Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Falwell's dead

So long, you evil fuck.

MSNBC cites "article" as proof of Falwell's influence in the White House. If I started drinking rubbing alcohol, maybe I could eventually work in American broadcast journalism.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Some Koreans, including my students, sport poorly translated but pretty cool "Engrish" slogans on their clothing; Tom here is rocking a seemingly pacifist hoodie while having absolutely no idea what it means. He's one of my more violent students, actually.

Meanwhile, other Koreans wear items that have ridiculously vulgar slogans splayed across them. For instance, consider one of Sara's kids' hats, shown here:

You can't very well tell them that they can't wear items such as these without alluding to their vulgarity, so you just hope they don't go home and Google the words on their hats/sweaters.

Yesterday I had one kid teach me a moderately inappropriate Korean cuss word (pronounced "Brak!"), which he explained was not all that bad; not any worse, in fact, than "Shut the fuck up!" I laughed before I could regain my composure and tell him not to use the English "translation" again. Still, I have to say I'm sort of proud of him. If you can't casually utter our swear words, you don't know our language, right?

Monday, May 07, 2007

Non-informative update

3.5 months left. Lots to see and do this summer before I leave--going to Gumi in two weeks, and I'll be spending at least one weekend in Busan. Happy to be leaving, but right now, I'm happy to be here too.

This Matt and Kim duo are pretty fun, and they seem to really enjoy what they do. The last twenty seconds or so of the video are great.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday, April 15, 2007

The following collection of sentences are definitely not worth reading

Eerie shit keeps happening in my brain. A couple of nights ago I thought to myself, "I wonder what Monica [person I used to hang out with years back] is up to?" Then I checked my e-mail, and learned that she had just added me as a friend on Facebook. Just now, for no reason at all, I was thinking about a professor at U. of T. named Tom Hurka, whose work I based part of the second chapter of my thesis on. Then I started reading a thread of comments on a blog, and guess who left a comment? Last night, I was thinking about how my friend Dillon is getting married, and then I walked right into his friend Nick who I now know is working in Korea.

Coincidences are only coincidences, and as Douglas Adams wrote somewhere, it would be a lot stranger if there weren't any of them. Still, it's weird.

There's a sizable wet stain on my wall and I have no idea how it got there. Cool.

If you like video games, check out Gears of War for X-Box 360. My next door neighbor Randel just got it, and it's the most beautiful looking game I have ever seen. Also, you get to use a gun that has a chainsaw bayonet on it, which is obviously one of the most awesome things ever conceived of.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is dead...

...but Tom Clancy, Danielle Steele, and Dan Brown are still alive. Some kinda shitty planet we live on.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I played basketball for three hours last night. I haven't owned anything resembling athletic footwear since grade nine, so I played in Chucks. My knees are sore as hell. I'm going to buy a pair of basketball shoes after I get paid on Tuesday. Koreans are generally pretty quick, but they're small, don't know how to make defensive rotations, and aren't very good shooters. I think that was the first time I'd played a game with adults, so I was pretty terrible. We won all but one game against the Korean teams, but the one we lost was the last game and we were tired as hell and they hadn't played yet. We're planning on playing two or three times a week after work, as the courts in Anyang's Central Park are lit until midnight. Really nice courts, too, although our rim was missing a bolt and had to be readjusted frequently.

I can't get enough of this guy's comics. The second strip is especially great this week.

Matthew Herbert's "Scale" album is really, really, really good.